
Electromagnetic Pulse Therapy – Does it Really Work?

What is Electromagnetic Pulse Therapy

Electromagnetic pulse therapy has a wide range of applications in medicine, and a great number of health benefits.

However, before we delve deeper into those, it is important to get a basic understanding of the science behind the electromagnetic forces.

We need to see how both electric and magnetic fields work, and how they affect the body.

Everything in the universe is made of moving electrical particles, and the ‘empty’ space between them is filled with magnetic forces.

These magnetic fields are created by the movement of electricity generated by these electrical particles.

So one cannot exist without the other, and one inevitably charges the other.

That is why we call them electromagnetic fields.

This leads us to conclude that our bodies are essentially electric, and work by producing and utilizing electricity.

When we go into cardiac arrest, we use a defibrillator to administer an electrical shock to the heart and get it moving again.

Because this electrical energy creates an electromagnetic field, when we apply electromagnetic pulse therapy, it interacts with the electromagnetic field that is already present in our body.

More, it has an effect on the cellular level.

And when our body’s electromagnetic fields interact with the electromagnetic pulse therapy’s fields, it further affects the chemistry of our body.

The increased movement of particles that happens as a result also charges our cells with as much as 500 percent more energy.

This allows the cells to repair themselves, grow, and prevent aging.


The Energy and Our Cells

One of the best ways to understand our cells and electromagnetic pulse therapy is to compare them to batteries.

Each cell in our body has a limited amount of energy that it can produce and store.

This energy is crucial for it to perform its functions properly, whatever they are.

If the cell cannot produce or store the energy, or if it is depleted of energy because of internal or external reasons, it will not function properly.

Our body is made of 70 trillion cells that cluster together to create tissues and organs.

If the majority of cells in a part of our body or in an organ are depleted of their energy and are fatigued, the whole organ will perform its functions poorly, which can lead to significant health problems.

Therefore, by enabling the cell to maintain its energy balance by charging it with electromagnetic pulse therapy, we ensure that the organs in our body work well, and that our whole body is in balance, as well.


Why Do We Need Attention at the Cellular Level?

Apart from storing energy, our cells perform two other functions – they take in nutrients from the blood, and expel waste.

They do all of this through a membrane that has little openings that serve as a gateway for these exchanges.

Sometimes, for various reasons, these gateways become partially or completely blocked, and the cell membrane does not work as well as it should.

With electromagnetic pulse therapy, we can increase the charge of the cell membrane.

This way, the cell gateways will open, and nutrients and waste will be able to travel more efficiently in and out of the cell.

And how well a cell’s membrane works also affects the efficiency of medication.

If we improve the membrane’s permeability, we will improve the effects different medications have on our body.

Therefore, electromagnetic pulse therapy is not only a powerful treatment on its own, it is also a powerful ally to other popular forms of treatment.


The Best Way to Use Electromagnetic Pulse Therapy

When you decide to buy a PEMF device and administer electromagnetic pulse therapy, you will see that many manufacturers claim that their device is the best one you can buy.

That sounds ideal, and it would be if something like that were possible.

Unfortunately, it is not – there is not one best way to administer electromagnetic pulse therapy.

Since electromagnetic pulse therapy has so many different ways in which it benefits us and works on the cellular level, rather than targeting one specific health condition, the one-size-fits-all approach does not work.

Therefore, which device, setting, and form of therapy is going to be the most beneficial for you depends solely on you.

That is, it depends on how your cells react to electromagnetic fields, which health conditions you wish to treat, and so on.

However, we can say that there are some forms of this therapy that are universally beneficial for everyone, and we can measure them in terms of frequency, intensity, and waveform.


Electromagnetic Pulse Therapy Frequency

The frequency of electromagnetic pulse therapy determines how many of these pulses are going to be emitted toward our body in a period of time.

Therefore, it basically stands for the speed of the electromagnetic waves.

We can measure the frequency in Hertz (Hz), and there is scientific proof that some frequencies are universally beneficial to all living beings, while others are only condition-specific.

According to research completed by NASA, low frequencies are the best for us.

This is because the Earth itself emits very low frequencies of magnetic waves (0-30 Hz). Since we are part of nature, these low-range frequencies are the ones to which our cells respond the best.

Our cells are very sensitive to electromagnetic pulses, so very high frequencies are sometimes believed even to be harmful, and to do more bad than good.

However, even high frequencies have their place in electromagnetic pulse therapy.

For example, the rule of thumb is that chronic illnesses respond better to low frequencies, whereas acute illnesses respond better to very high frequencies.

Some devices on the market are able to produce frequencies of up to 10,000 Hz.

Therefore, there are no bad frequencies, but are only better or worse frequencies for our specific health condition.


Electromagnetic Pulse Therapy Intensity

The intensity of Electromagnetic Pulse Therapy determines the strength of pulses that our body receives during treatment.

Similar to the frequency, there isn’t one best intensity that is suitable for everyone.

We measure intensity in micro-Teslas (uT), but since our cells are so sensitive, they can detect electromagnetic pulses even in the range of pico- and nano-Teslas.

Even though the principle of the best intensity does not apply, there is still a range from which everyone can benefit which is between 30-60 uT.

This is the intensity range that is most similar to that of Earth.

However, intensities below and above this range can also be very beneficial for us.

For example, lower intensities are good for health conditions that are located close under the skin, which the electromagnetic pulses can reach easily.

If a health issue is located deep inside our body, we would need stronger electromagnetic fields to reach it and achieve the same effect.


Electromagnetic Pulse Therapy Waveform

A great number of different waveforms can be seen in nature, our bodies, and electromagnetic pulse therapy.

Some of the most popular ones advertised with electromagnetic devices are sawtooth, sinus, and square; however, trapezoidal, impulse, rectangular, triangular, and many others are also available.

Again, it is important to mention that there isn’t one waveform that can be used in all conditions that will provide equally good results.

Some manufacturers claim that their devices use NASA’s square waves, but these were only used by NASA during their research.

The ones used in devices today are different.

Generally, waveforms are closely tied to intensities.

So, higher intensities usually use trapezoidal and square waves, while sinus waves are usually used with lower intensities.

Therefore, focusing on frequencies and intensities when administering electromagnetic pulse therapy is much more important than focusing just on waveforms.


Biorhythm Clock and Electromagnetic Pulse Therapy

In order to explain this aspect of electromagnetic pulse therapy, we need to return to frequencies for a short while.

As said, Earth-based frequencies are the most beneficial frequencies for the great majority of humans.

However, the Earth itself does not emit one constant frequency at all times.

It varies relative to many factors, one of which is the time of day.

Namely, in the morning and during the day, the Earth resonates at higher frequencies compared to at night.

Therefore, we should adjust our electromagnetic pulse therapy frequency according to the time of day, as well.

Our body uses this difference in frequencies to estimate when it is the time to wake up or fall asleep.

So, being more in tune with the Earth’s circadian rhythm will greatly improve our sleep patterns.

By using higher frequencies (15-30 Hz) in the morning, we will help our body to wake up and have more energy to complete daily obligations.

On the other hand, by using lower frequencies (7-10 Hz) at night, our brain will reach the REM phase more easily during sleep, which will be more stable and thus we will get a much better night of sleep.


The Difference between Electromagnetic Pulse Therapy and Magnets

The biggest difference between electromagnetic pulse therapy and magnetic field therapy is in their variations.

Magnetic fields are static, and they only use one frequency.

While they can be beneficial for some health conditions, it is hard to achieve these benefits for several reasons.

The first is that they cannot penetrate very deep into our tissue, so they can only target limited conditions.

Second, their frequency is static, so the body can get used to their effects after some time.

Thus their health effects are short-lived and not very strong.

On the other hand, electromagnetic pulse therapy, as the name suggests, is dynamic.

It emits pulses of energy and, as we have learned, it can change its frequency and intensity.

This allows for two things.

First, it can penetrate deep into our body and target any health condition that we have, no matter where it is located.

Second, it can treat all of the cells in our body simultaneously (if we use a full body mat).

And third, our body cannot get used to it because we can always use different variations of the therapy.


Are All Electromagnetic Fields Good for Us?

When we talk about electromagnetic fields, we can talk about two kinds: Natural and artificial.

Natural magnetic fields are the ones emitted by the planet Earth’s core, as well as those manmade that are created to resemble these natural fields.

Artificial electromagnetic fields are emitted by all of the electrical appliances that we use inside and outside the home.

This is becoming such a recognized problem that there has been a new term coined for it – electrosmog.

Some of the biggest sources of this electrical pollution are microwaves, mobile phones, laptops, TVs, power lines, and so on.

Since these electrosmog electromagnetic fields were not designed with people in mind, they can be quite harmful.

Unfortunately, we do not have a working way of blocking them completely.

The only way to avoid them completely is to go 100% off-grid.

However, we can fight their negative influence by balancing them out with beneficial EMFs.

By using electromagnetic pulse therapy on a daily basis, we will ensure that we decrease the detrimental effects these pollutants have on our body.

This is the only way in which we can deal with this growing issue today.


Does Electromagnetic Pulse Therapy Prevent Illnesses?

The short answer to this question is – yes, definitely.

The long answer will explain to you exactly how this happens.

All of the cells in our body work hard at all times to keep our whole system in check.

Anything that works that continuously will inevitably sustain some form of injury.

So, the more your cells work (i.e. the more stressful your job is, the more obligations you have, etc.) the more potential damage they may sustain.

Our cells are usually able to deal with these injuries and imbalances and repair themselves.

In order to do this, they need proper nutrition and rest.

Unfortunately, not many people nowadays provide these two crucial elements to their body.

Therefore, over a longer period, these micro-injuries will accumulate and lead to a bigger injury that the cell will not be able to deal with on its own.

If there are many cells in our body that end up with the same problem, we will experience an illness of some kind.

In order to help a cell increase its regenerative potential, we need to augment its energy and cure it of its fatigue.

We can do this by using electromagnetic pulse therapy.

By applying the beneficial EMF charges to our body on a daily basis, we will improve circulation, and repair both potential and energy.

Thus we address the issues further in the future, and prevent serious diseases from affecting our body.


How Long Before You Feel Positive Effects?

How long you will have to wait before you feel the health benefits of electromagnetic pulse therapy depends solely on you, and how you have treated your body up to this point.

Some minor imbalances, deficiencies, and cell injuries can be dealt with very quickly, in a matter of days.

Unfortunately, it is very rare that we deal with a health problem the moment we are aware of it.

We usually wait for when it is no longer possible for us to cope with it.

Sometimes, we are not even aware that there is a problem in the first place until it is too late.

If you treat a disease when it is only developing, electromagnetic pulse therapy will allow your body to deal with it efficiently.

This is because electromagnetic pulse therapy does not cure a disease.

Rather, it helps the body reestablish its own repair systems and deal with a problem itself.

Unfortunately, if it took us a long time to notice and address a problem and it had plenty of time to develop, it may be impossible to cure it completely.

In that case, electromagnetic pulse therapy will serve as a way to control the symptoms.

The rule of thumb is that if a disease took a long time to develop in our body, a long time will be needed before we feel the first health benefits of the therapy, and vice versa.

There isn’t therefore a simple answer to this question.

As you can see, the effects of the therapy depend on so many different factors.


Is It Possible to Overdose on Electromagnetic Pulse Therapy?

Just like a battery in your mobile phone does not explode after it finishes charging and you do not take it off the charger, nothing similar will happen to your cells.

Every cell can only be charged as much as its limit. After that, a cell simply stops taking in any more energy.

This is especially true if we are talking about electromagnetic fields of very low frequencies and low intensities, such as Earth-based ones.

However, if a cell is damaged, it will need some extra energy to help it heal itself.

These cells respond to additional amounts of energy that we send their way, so in this case, more is better.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about overdosing on electromagnetic pulse therapy and causing negative health effects.

You can use this therapy on a daily basis without any fear, since its main purpose is not only to help the body cure itself of a disease, but also to maintain its health after it has been completely cured.


Can Electromagnetic Pulse Therapy Replace Medication?

For many common diseases, electromagnetic pulse therapy should not be viewed as a primary form of treatment.

Rather, it should be an important addition to the existing one and should be used in conjunction with medication and other forms of care.

This way, a patient has the best chances of dealing with diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and arthritis.

And electromagnetic pulse therapy helps the patient to deal with the side effects of medications, since it does not have any side effects of its own.


Health Benefits of Electromagnetic Pulse Therapy

As you can see, electromagnetic pulse therapy is a powerful form of treatment that everyone should incorporate into their daily lives for maximum benefits.

Throughout the article, we have mentioned some of the most common health benefits that this therapy can give us.

Let us now go into more detail on some of the most well-known and -documented science-backed electromagnetic pulse therapy health benefits.


Improves General Well-Being

One of the most substantial powers of electromagnetic pulse therapy is that it can target and eliminate even the problems that you were unaware of having.

Even if you didn’t know about these small health problems, they were surely affecting your overall health.

Therefore, by eliminating the issues that are just developing, electromagnetic pulse therapy can improve your daily satisfaction with life long-term.

It will bring your chemical functions back into balance, and allow you to feel more grounded and more centered in meeting your day-to-day obligations.


Natural Painkiller

Pain is one of the symptoms that accompanies many chronic diseases, and it is capable of greatly affecting our overall quality of life.

Sometimes, with the help of painkillers, we are able to deal with the pain, but only for a short while.

Once the effects of the pill cease, the pain returns again.

And these painkillers have strong side effects, and usually also cause addiction.

However, electromagnetic pulse therapy can be used on a daily basis, and there are no known side effects.

It works to return full function to our impaired nerves that are causing the pain in the first place.

In 1993, a study was completed at the International Pain Research Institute that concluded that electromagnetic pulse therapy offers pain relief after only a brief exposure.

The study was done on patients suffering from pelvic pain caused by endometriosis and dysmenorrhea. (1)


Relieves Symptoms of Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease that is affecting more and more people every year worldwide.

So far, we have not yet developed a cure for it and, in many cases, the disease is left to advance unhindered for years.

Electromagnetic pulse therapy has been proven as a viable form of treatment of the most common symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

It reduces the swelling and pain caused by this disease.

A study done in 1998 and published in an Indian Medical Association Journal shows that electromagnetic pulse therapy helps patients with arthritis, especially those with seronegative rheumatoid arthritis. (2)


Better Blood Flow

One of the most important health benefits of electromagnetic pulse therapy is improved circulation.

In turn, this health effect leads to a chain of positive health reactions within the body.

This effect is accomplished in two ways.

The first is that the therapy causes vasodilatation, which is a widening of blood vessels.

This allows the blood to flow more freely through the blood vessels.

The second is that the therapy stops red blood cells from sticking to each other by balancing their charge.

The cells then repel each other, and their circulation becomes much more efficient.

Scientists at Wake Forest University found just that in a study they completed. (3)


Helps with Migraines

In case you are one of those people who suffer from chronic migraine attacks, you may think that your only salvation is daily doses of painkillers.

While these can help, they are not a good choice long-term because of their side-effects and habit-forming tendency.

In 1999, in the U.S., a study was completed to observe whether electromagnetic pulse therapy can be an alternative for patients suffering from chronic migraines.

After one month of regular therapy, all patients involved in the study reported fewer migraine attacks.

When attacks happened, they were also of much weaker intensity and were much more bearable. (4)

Therefore, electromagnetic pulse therapy is another form of treatment that patients with migraines should definitely consider.


Helps with Depression

Depression is a serious health condition that should not be taken lightly.

It is important to mention that even though electromagnetic pulse therapy has strong positive effects on relieving depression, it should still not be viewed as a primary form of treatment.

Rather, it should be considered by those who are resistant to antidepressants as a secondary form.

Researchers in Denmark came to the conclusion that electromagnetic pulse therapy strengthened the positive effects of antidepressants with minimal side effects.

As many as 30% of patients do not respond well to antidepressant medication, and sometimes their condition even worsens.

By combining this treatment with electromagnetic pulse therapy, they get a higher chance of successfully dealing with this disease. (5, 6)


Improves Bone Healing

If a bone fracture has not healed after an expected period, it is considered to be a non-union fracture.

These fractures can, later on, lead to serious complications, and cause long-lasting health consequences.

In order to cure them, patients usually need dangerous surgical procedures.

A study completed in Bangladesh in 1999 shows that electromagnetic pulse therapy can greatly help with non-union fractures and improve their healing process.

Thirteen patients were involved in the study, and 11 of them experienced a successful, complete healing after two three and a half month periods of treatment. (7)


Strengthens Nerve Repair

A study was completed in 1993 by the Bioelectromagnetic Society that aimed to analyze the effects of electromagnetic pulse therapy on sciatic nerve damage.

The study was not completed on humans, but on rats, but the effects are clear.

After electromagnetic pulse therapy was administered to the rats in the study, they all showed faster regeneration of affected nerve tissue, and recovered more quickly from the induced sciatic injury. (8)


Helps with Diabetes

Diabetic polyneuropathy is a health condition that happens as a consequence of diabetes, and from which many diabetics suffer.

It is characterized by numbness and weakness on both sides of the body, and is caused by nerve damage.

Electromagnetic pulse therapy offers new hope to such patients.

In 2003, a study was completed in the United States which proved that electromagnetic pulse therapy was capable of relieving the symptoms of this disease and improving nerve function.

Therefore, patients who are suffering from DPN can greatly improve their quality of life by using electromagnetic pulse therapy. (9)


Improved Range of Motion

Reduced range of motion presents a big issue to patients suffering from cervical osteoarthritis.

Their mobility decreases over time, and sometimes they end up being completely bedridden.

So far, a cure for the disease does not exist.

However, those patients suffering from cervical osteoarthritis can use electromagnetic pulse therapy as a new, viable form of treatment.

Research that can be found in Clinical Rheumatology proved that electromagnetic pulse therapy can greatly improve the range of motion issues in patients suffering from cervical osteoarthritis.

And it can reduce the muscle spasms and pains that also accompany this health condition. (10)


Accelerates Healing After Surgery or Injury

After a muscle or tendon injury or surgery, we are advised to use ice and heat to promote healing.

By alternating between the two, we increase the blood flow in the affected area, and in that way allow the body to repair itself faster.

However, this process usually takes a lot of time, and because there needs to be a window between applying ice and heat, we give the injury and swelling time to come back.

But electromagnetic pulse therapy can achieve essentially the same results, only much more efficiently.

In 1999, a study was completed that observed how electromagnetic pulse therapy could help patients who were recovering from plastic surgery.

The results showed that there was pain reduction, a reduction in swelling, less intense discoloration, and faster regeneration.

This undoubtedly showed the power of electromagnetic pulse therapy to help with wound healing after surgery or injury.