
How Does a Bemer Mat Work?

Bemer mats work in the same way as standard PEMF mats from all reputable PEMF companies: the machine emits pulses of electromagnetic energy directly into the body, and those pulses then “charge” cells to improve overall health and effective cellular function.

The Bemer mat uses this technology to target circulation—microcirculation, in particular—by applying PEMF therapy to the body in small, focused areas.

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy has been around in some iteration since the early 1900s, though its origin is far older, with at least a thousand years of use, in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and magnet therapy, as is discussed by early Roman physicians.

Similar to the way magnets have historically been used to manipulate the energy of the human body to aid in healing and health maintenance, PEMF therapy is used to encourage proper production and use of bodily energy, which then translates into more effective cellular function, better communication between cells and nerves, and even improved circulation and muscle recovery.

How does the Bemer company create their PEMF machines?

Bemer machines, like most PEMF devices, utilize two main components, as well as 3 additional components that are unique to PEMF therapy.

The two main components of a Bemer machine include the controller or control box and the applicator of PEMF therapy pulses, which comes in either a wrap (called a B.Pad) or a module (called a B.Spot).

The application method is used to either target a very small, localized area or a broader area, while the controller is used to select the settings you want to use during your session.

The machine itself emits pulses of electromagnetic energy as a result of electric energy being funneled into copper coils.

The interaction of the electricity and the copper coil produces a field of energy, and the applicator condenses and focuses that field, allowing the body to experience EMFs in targeted pulses.

In addition to the physical makeup of the Bemer machine, there are three components that control the efficacy of the machine.

These components are waveform, frequency, and intensity.

The waveform of the Bemer is a unique one, as it uses a series of cascading sine waveforms, creating something of a unique ribbon shape, which reverses polarity periodically during use.

Bemer claims that this waveform places it on a level above that of its competitors, but because it is an unusual shape, there aren’t a large number of research studies demonstrating this particular waveform’s efficacy.

While a large portion of PEMF therapy machines use mats, Bemer prefers to deliver PEMF therapy using a small, circular applicator or a thin band, not unlike the size of a hernia belt or similar bodily implement.

Using these delivery methods, the Bemer applies pulses of electromagnetic energy to the body, in order to deliver energy to the body’s cells, and improve the body’s natural abilities to heal and carry out normal, everyday tasks.

It is through this change that the Bemer delivers health and healing to the body.