Therapies Complementary to PEMF

Pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy is an alternative healthcare technology that is quickly gathering positive attention all over the world.

It employs a scientific concept—that of using pulses of electromagnetic waves to recharge cellular energy—to treat a variety of health problems.

PEMF is a wonderful tool for people to get healthier as a whole, address specific health concerns, and prevent possible health risks.

Furthermore, it is a very safe technique that will not cause users any harm or negative side effects.

For that reason, it is suitable for a lot of people despite age, sex, or disease (barring very few contraindications and precautions).

However, many people fail to see that they don’t necessarily have to stick with PEMF alone for their desired health outcomes.

Yes, PEMF will likely benefit you in a lot of different ways, but that does not mean that you cannot enhance its effects by also adding in other suitable therapies to your schedule.

Sources that lead you to PEMF (the internet or a specialist) will likely not explore other options because their focus is specialized.

But PEMF is so safe that it does not interfere with other treatment processes, so you have a vast range of resources at your disposal to ensure the speediest and most desirable outcomes possible.

Additionally, combining therapies could give you what you wanted all along but never received when on only one treatment plan.

Unfortunately, there isn’t a lot of research on the effects of complementary therapies and PEMF together on different health parameters.

But we do know about the efficacy of each of the different therapies, as well as about the high success rate of PEMF.

Hence, we can conclude that also trying some of these following therapies alongside PEMF can help you achieve your health targets.

Let’s look into those therapies now.



Allopathy essentially just refers to everything that the modern medical treatment approach encompasses.

It is what is conventionally used by hospitals and clinicians around the world.

The goal with allopathy is to effect changes that oppose the symptoms.

For example, doctors prescribe you medicinal drugs that fight your illness by bringing about a physiological change that is in direct contrast to the symptoms you experience.

Similarly, they may perform surgery to correct some issue.

While allopathy is the only completely accepted treatment form in the scientific community, there is no denying that there tends to be a heavy tradeoff.

Pills usually come with a multitude of negative side effects, and might create dependency issues later.

That is why so many people turn to alternative treatments in the first place.

But there is no rule that says that you cannot use both.

PEMF therapy can actually improve the effects of your regular medicine by enhancing blood circulation and helping to dispel toxins.

Also, cells that are vigorous due to PEMF will respond better to the components of the medicine.

If you are aiming to reduce drug intake, then you can slowly wean off of your drug(s) by incorporating more and more PEMF until only one therapy suffices.

If not, then you can combine methods to get the best out of both.


Psychological Therapy

One of the primary uses of PEMF today is for the treatment of mood disorders, namely depression and anxiety.

It is also used to enhance factors such as concentration and mental clarity.

But whereas PEMF alone can make a world of a difference, the overall benefit can be increased with the addition of psychological therapy.

Seeking the help of a counselor or psychiatrist can be of great help for those with anxiety and depression.

From talk therapy to cognitive behavioral therapy to psychodynamic therapy, there is a variety of options with which your mental health expert can provide you.

By correcting internal dysfunctions, PEMF makes it likely that these therapies will be better able to ease your problem. Additionally, PEMF helps you feel relaxed.

This is important because being agitated or distressed during psychological therapies can negate the positive effects.

But if you are at ease, you can gain much more.

PEMF sessions right before psychological therapy can therefore be of much help.


Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is nothing more than a set of specialized exercises to help you recover from a muscle or bone problem.

Not only does physical therapy help facilitate swifter healing, it also aids in pain management.

Therefore, injuries should be followed by a consultation with a physical therapy expert to see what movements and exercises should be done, and which ones should be avoided.

At the very least, you should look up the same on the internet if you wish to direct your own progress.

And since PEMF is also wonderful for bone and tissue healing, you can use the two in conjunction for the fastest results.

This will allow you to improve your range of motion far better than you would if you used only one of the two therapies.

PEMF before you start physical therapy can also help you perform the necessary movements better and with less discomfort.


Infrared and Far-Infrared Therapy

Infrared light waves are the invisible waves that we have the most interactions with on a daily basis compared to any other wave on the electromagnetic spectrum.

With longer wavelengths than visible light, the infrared band exists just beyond red light on the electromagnetic range.

And although we cannot see it, we can still perceive it as heat. Infrared energy has been used for centuries for healing purposes.

But now we have more advanced technology, from infrared lamps to far-infrared mats and saunas, which can deliver truly effective treatment for a variety of health issues.

Infrared and far-infrared therapy can be a great partner to PEMF therapy, as they may work hand in hand to address some of the same problems.

For instance, both can be effective remedies against chronic pain and poor blood circulation.


Biofeedback Therapy

Biofeedback is another non-drug treatment therapy that is known to be effective for many users.

The basic concept there is that patients can train themselves to be able to control bodily processes that are normally involuntary, such as blood pressure, heart rate, or muscle tension.

Your therapist might incorporate a number of different elements during your session, based on what your needs are.

Generally, electrodes attached to your skin will extract information such as temperature or EEG brain wave activity.

With the help of the specialist, you will learn how to relax and self-regulate these characteristics to some extent.

PEMF therapy beforehand can make this process much easier, giving you relief in less time and ensuring a bigger impact.

Sometimes, PEMF systems even come with built-in biofeedback sensors to allow you to gain more from it.


Massage and Chiropractic Therapy

Chiropractic care treats mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Chiropractors primarily use manual adjustment and manipulation of the spine to alleviate pain and correct functionality issues.

Similarly, massage therapists also work with their hands.

Their focus, however, is on stimulating blood flow, relieving muscle tension, and fostering relaxation.

Both these therapies complement PEMF, and vice versa.

Scheduling a PEMF session before the massage or chiropractic therapy will allow the direct stimulation on your body to have a greater effect, as your muscles and form will be much more relaxed.

By opening up your body to the chiropractor or masseur’s touch, you will see improvements faster.


Acupuncture and Acupressure

Acupuncture and acupressure are both quite similar, in the sense that they target various pressure points in the body.

Whereas sharp needles are inserted into the body in acupuncture, acupressure involves pressure applied using hands, elbows, or a number of devices designed for that specific purpose.

Although the exact process behind the perceived improvement is not known, acupuncture and acupressure both are thought to affect energy levels within your body.

Thus, both PEMF and acupuncture overlap in how they work, and what they can achieve.

For joint and pain problems, you can schedule a couple or more sessions with a licensed acupuncturist a week, while continuing on your regular PEMF plan.

Since PEMF will restore and maintain the balance of energy in your cells, adding acupuncture will boost the effects even more to give you ultimate gains.



Hydrotherapy, like its name suggests, uses water to heal.

Warm baths, often with an altered mineral content, can have both a strong physiological effect, as well as a psychological one.

There are different variations on this: Balneotherapy focuses on spring baths, contrast baths focus on exposing limbs alternately to hot and cold water, whirlpools use fast-moving heated water, and so on.

When wet heat is applied to the body, you can experience a range of benefits such as reduced muscle and joint pain, improved circulation, and relaxation.

On the other hand, when dry heat is applied, you can reduce swelling, ease post-injury joint pain, and so on.

PEMF sessions before hydrotherapy lead to your cells being more receptive to the many benefits of nature’s life-sustaining elixir.


Ozone Therapy

You have probably heard about the ozone layer in the earth’s atmosphere, and how it protects us from harmful solar radiation.

The oxygen-rich mixture in that layer (at diluted concentrations) is also highly beneficial to human health, and has been used to treat an array of diseases including, but not limited to, AIDS, cancer, and multiple sclerosis.

Ozone therapy is different than most alternative treatments, in that it is invasive: A mixture of liquids and gases prepared by specialists is injected into the veins, the skin, the muscles, the vaginal cavity, or the rectal cavity.

PEMF can greatly enhance the effect of ozone therapy by making cells more receptive to the mixture.


Light Therapy

Also known as phototherapy, light therapy aims to treat certain disorders by exposing the patient to light, particularly artificial light.

This might include fluorescent lamps, light-emitting diodes, polychromatic polarized lights, and so on.

It is most commonly used for treating sleep disorder, seasonal affective disorder (a form of depression due to poor natural light exposure), and skin disorders ranging from psoriasis to acne.

The problem with light therapy, however, is that tissues are often too deep for the light to penetrate properly.

Moreover, particles of clothing also can block your cells from receiving the entirety of its possible impact.

This is where PEMF can come in.

By stimulating your cells, it can help disperse the light further into your body.

And by adding to the same benefits that light therapy provides, it can help fill in some of the gaps left by the former.


Laser Therapy

Also known as low-level laser therapy (LLLT), this form of treatment uses narrow and focused light beams of specific wavelengths.

It is also often a feature of conventional medicine, such as in surgical treatment.

But lasers can also be used for a gamut of different purposes.

For instance, they can shrink tumors, remove kidney stones, improve vision, treat pain, and so on.

Lasers can provide many therapeutic benefits, but their high frequency often means that they do not penetrate tissues into their depths.

But PEMF, which uses lower frequency pulses, can do just that.

Therefore, using both PEMF and low-level laser therapy can make the difference between just superficial progress in your health, and actual, meaningful progress.


Naturopathy and Homeopathy

Homeopathy is an expansive field in alternative medicine.

Based upon the ideal that “like cures like,” it takes an approach opposite to that of allopathy.

Homeopathy is also considered a holistic practice, meaning that diseases are not treated in isolation.

Rather, the entire person and their mind and emotions are also taken into consideration.

Experts in homeopathy will typically evaluate your consultation and give you a prescription (in the form of a tablet, pillule, liquid, powder, or topical cream/gel).

A similar medical specialty is naturopathy, which uses natural and self-healing methods, as opposed to synthesized drugs.

Ayurveda, for instance, falls under naturopathy.

Many naturopathists will also derive medicines from botanical or herbal sources.

Both these approaches work well with PEMF, due to the power of pulsed radiation to improve microcirculation.

Therefore, naturopathic and homeopathic medicine can reach all the cells and tissues in the body, and fulfill their mission.


Published by
Richard Hoover

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