
High Intensity PEMF vs Low Intensity PEMF

So, you’ve seen PEMF therapy mentioned across social media, medical articles, and so forth, and you want to learn more.

One of the first points of interest is in the difference between low intensity PEMF and high intensity PEMF devices.

What’s the difference? Are both equally safe and effective?

This handy guide will address such differences and help you learn how to apply those differences in selecting the best PEMF therapy for your unique needs.

Advocates for high intensity PEMF devices often claim that low intensity devices aren’t strong enough to be effective.

Meanwhile, advocates for low intensity devices often claim that high intensity devices can be dangerous. Who’s right?

Information from specific brands can be tricky.

It’s the innovative technologies and marketing by these brands that have made PEMF a buzzword in the health device industry.

They’ve brought forward a therapeutic technology that was inaccessible and unaffordable to many in the past.

However, many brands are also self-serving in that all tout their intensities or other specs are superior to that of their competitors.

This guide explains what PEMF intensity is and why it matters.

We offer you the facts about and research behind both low and high PEMF intensity so that you can make an informed decision.

You’ll learn all the main points from an unbiased point of view, and that’s priceless info for what’s still considered a costly medical device.


What Does PEMF Intensity Mean?

Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy devices use various specs and configurations, but they’re all based on three main components:

  1. Wavelength
  2. Frequency
  3. Intensity

The last point is arguably the most important in selecting the most appropriate device for your specific use and expectations.

Most therapeutic PEMF devices use a standard wavelength and frequency that’s similar to the earth’s own natural frequency, which often leaves the major point of difference in intensity.

PEMF is basically a pulsing magnet field.

Intensity is the strength of that magnet field as it pulses back and forth.

Some use Tesla to measure this strength, but most use a unit of measurement called Gauss.

If you do see Tesla used in a brand’s marketing, it’s not too difficult to convert.

Just remember that 0.01 Tesla (T) equals 100 Gauss (G.)

To give you a good mental picture of the difference in magnetic intensity… the earth’s magnetic field that we encounter daily varies between 0.3 Gauss to 0.7 Gauss.

This is typically referred to as natural (earth) PEMF.

Meanwhile, junkyards have crane magnets that are around 10,000 Gauss.


Why Is PEMF Intensity Such An Important Consideration?

It’s a big range there, and it can be quite confusing when the consumer sees such a vast assortment of intensities listed by various PEMF brands.

How important is intensity?

Very, and it can change your entire experience with a PEMF device.

As humans, we may not be magnetic, but we are certainly highly influenced by electromagnetic fields.

Our bodies continually use electrical impulses.

In fact, every neuron in the human body uses it.

Your heart beat, lung function, nervous system, brain, and every single movement you make all hinge upon electrical energy.

Cells simply cease to function without electrical impulses.

We tested out the HealthyLine Platinum Mat and several other low and very low intensity PEMF devices operating at 3 Gauss or less.

Effective? Yes.

It took less than 10 minutes to feel the cellular alertness, energy, and gross and fine motor performance precision as the electrical energy was introduced by the HealthyLine mat.

We can compare the experience to a radio being off its dial for a particular station.

There’s static. There’s interference.

When low intensity PEMF is introduced, the static and interference dissipate as the dial becomes more attuned to its proper location.

Just as your radio station would become clearer and more functional, your cells become better able to do their jobs when exposed to PEMF.

On the other hand, we’ve also tested PEMF devices with ultra high intensities.

The effects are also immediately noticeable.

Muscles often begin involuntarily contracting as the PEMF device reboots your body’s magnetic field.

PEMF intensity matters so greatly because of how drastically it can make a difference to how your body operates on a day-to-day basis.

As such, it’s imperative for consumers of any wellness or medical device to know exactly what benefits and risks they present to their body in using a particular device.

Remember that junkyard crane magnet?

Well, you might be surprised to know that there are PEMF devices on the market that go up to that same level of magnet strength – 10,000 Gauss.

Regardless of what marketing materials that brand offers, any consumer would be wise to ponder the fact that the same PEMF intensity is comparable to something lifting tons of metal. Meanwhile, low intensity PEMF is a similar vein to what the earth itself has.


Differences Between Low And High PEMF Intensities

PEMF mats can be bought in an array of intensities.

Brands like MagnaWave and Dr Pawluk’s devices have their niche in high intensity PEMF.

Such brands are trying to overcome the stigma associated with high intensity devices, particularly that they’re unsafe.

A major marketing point often centers around insider testimony that the devices are indeed safe.

Some brands have completed insider testing to support their opinion.

Most also cite where the FDA approved a high intensity device as a pharmaceutical replacement with a doctor’s prescription.

Dr. Pawluk is a great example.

His writings often cite a few independent PEMF studies to support the argument that high intensity is beneficial and safe.

The problem, however, is that high intensity brands and supporters rarely reveal what specs were used in their cited studies.

PulseCenters, Pawluk, MagnaWave and others rarely even offer a link to read the cited studies for yourself.

That’s a gigantic red flag for the vetting consumer.

We found the lack of supportive, independent, and properly accredited research disconcerting.

So, we started looking for our own facts and stats.

What we found made it an obligation to share a safety wanting.


High Intensity PEMF Safety Warning

A look at PEMF research as a whole shows that one of the most relative factors in establishing PEMF safety is in the device’s/therapy’s frequency.

This isn’t surprising considering our home, work, and even outdoor environments are packed with EMF-emitting electrical devices.

From smart devices and microwaves to power lines, we are surrounded by EMFs.

This is why the UN created the ICNIRP, (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) back in the 90s to measure electromagnetic field exposures and establish safe levels.

We need to pause here to clarify that low intensity PEMF devices are non-ionizing, meaning their frequencies are too low to ionize atoms and heat up body tissues.

Ionizing EMFs are the radiation sources that have had so much research concerning dangers to human health and wellbeing.

The ICNIRP offers a full guide on limiting exposure time to high intensity EMF and guidelines for low intensity PEMF (1).

Do take note of safe reference levels mentioned on page 12 for the general public, which shows the following maximum safe ranges:

  • 0.01 and 0.1 Tesla (550 Gauss) at a one Hz max frequency.
  • 0.0065 Tesla (65 Gauss) at a 5 Hz max frequency.
  • 0.0007 Tesla (7 Gauss) at a 10 Hz max frequency.
  • 0.0003 Tesla (3 Gauss) at a 800 Hz max frequency.

This chart further establishes how safety and intensity are intrinsically linked directly in the PEMF world.

Just make sure that you understand that intensity times application frequency is what offers you the total energy measurement.

We appreciate that this handy chart offers a reputable, unbiased, scientific measure in helping all PEMF consumers determine the safest intensities amongst your prospective PEMF device purchases.

The takeaway here is a public safety warning, and that warning comes from a entity serving the consumer, not selling PEMF devices.

According to the ICNIRP, PEMF intensities 550 gauss and above at one Hz simply aren’t safe.

What are the common high intensity PEMF specs?

Most are well above that 550 Gauss and operate at frequencies over 1 Hz.

Alarmingly, there are high intensity PEMF devices on the market offering 10,000 Gauss with frequencies over 1 Hz.

Of course, none of those high intensity brands mention this invaluable ICNIRP guide because it completely contradicts their devices, claims, and insider testimonies.


High Intensity PEMF Research

While low intensity PEMF scientific research is plentiful, there are very few studies in high intensity PEMF outside of rudimentary research the brands themselves have conducted or funded.

While we were never able to actually locate the high intensity PEMF research works that are referenced by entities like Dr. Pawluk, we have collected several pieces of literature in our own documentation.

One interesting thing that you’ll notice is that the following studies have almost exclusively been used in cellular destruction (apoptosis) of cancer cells.

In a Journal of Steroids & Hormonal Science study looking at PEMF effect on male hormones, a 29 Gauss at 40 Hz application did have a desired effect on certain male hormones being secreted.

However, it also showed that exposure presented an increase in cell numbers with highly damaged DNA (2).

Referring back to the ICNIRP, 40 Hz shouldn’t be applied at anything over 3 Gauss, but it was applied at 29 Gauss in this study.

A PubMed study echoed a similar genotoxic impact (3).

In this study, exposure to high intensity PEMF once again resulted in highly damaged DNA at 56 Gauss intensity and 100 Hz frequency.

Remember, while 56 Gauss doesn’t seem extreme, the frequency, in this case 100 Hz, must also be a consideration.

The ICNIRP guide doesn’t recommend exceeding 6 Hz at 56 Gauss.

A study in The American Journal of Translational Research showed extracorporeal PEMF at 50 Gauss and 3 Hz could have the ability to enhance regeneration following ischemic episodes, or rather improve cardiac function after a heart attack. (4)

We can see here that positive results using a higher intensity was matched with a lower frequency, which was aligned with the ICNIRP guidelines.

The Stem Cell Research And Therapy Journal features the only study we could find using EMF in the 200 Gauss or above range.

At 200 Gauss and 50 Hz, the application caused an adverse decrease in mesenchymal stem cells and no effect on osteogenic differentiation.

The findings showed detrimental impacts to cellular growth and metabolism when compared to low intensity PEMF prior positive findings (5).


Comparison To Low Intensity PEMF Research

We didn’t have to dig deep for low intensity PEMF research.

It’s plentiful, and it’s almost exclusively positive to neutral in results.

The imbalance in volume between low and high intensity PEMF studies could be based on the neutral-positive result history attempting to be mimicked as it expands in subject matter, or it could be because lower intensities are setting a standard of safety and efficiency.

Of course, we also must consider that low intensity PEMF devices, such as the HealthyLine Platinum, can easily adjust to mimic the range of intensities and frequencies used in low intensity PEMF studies, which makes it simple to replicate results in testing a different subject matter.

We won’t make that presumption, though.

We will simply offer the hard data.

The following studies offer a good starting point amongst the thousands that exist:

  • “Effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields on peripheral blood circulation in people with diabetes” (6).
  • Stem cell enhancement (7).
  • “Primary human osteoblasts with reduced alkaline phosphatase and matrix mineralization baseline capacity are responsive to extremely low frequency pulsed electromagnetic field exposure” (8).
  • “Stimulation of osteogenic differentiation in human osteoprogenitor cells by pulsed electromagnetic fields: an in vitro study” (9).
  • Low intensity PEMF cellular effects (10).
  • “Low frequency and low intensity pulsed electromagnetic field exerts its anti-inflammatory effect through restoration of plasma membrane calcium ATPase activity” (11).


From NASA studies (12) and sciatica (13) to nerve regeneration (14) and arthritis (15), you will be reading on low intensity PEMF effects and results for a long time.

Interestingly, none of the specs for the above low intensity studies exceeded 16 Hz or 5 Gauss.

Yet, each study yielded positive results.


Selecting A PEMF Intensity

If you’re considering purchasing an at-home PEMF device or even taking advantage of PEMF therapy offered at your local wellness center or wholistic practitioner, then a natural question is in finding the right intensity for yourself.

Our goal was to help you answer that question based on understanding PEMF intensities and their importance.

With evidence on safety and effectiveness from independent sources, you can now answer that question based on fact, not marketing hype.

We hope that this guide has helped make the differences clear and the data more transparent.

Our goal isn’t to steer you toward any one product, brand, or even configuration.

The human body is simply too diverse and PEMF too widely beneficial via an array of specs and configurations to ever attempt such a one-size-fits-all recommendation.

Instead, we invite you to first identify why you’d like to use PEMF.

What pathology or wellness issue would you like to address?

Consider your overall health goals.

What do you hope to accomplish?

Research specific brands.

What configurations are they using and does it align with PEMF research matching your specific health conditions and goals.

We have helpful guides to walk you through various brands.

We also have a handy PEMF benefits guide.

Your ultimate goal is to match a device that most closely supports the intensities and frequencies offering positive results in your health category.

As the above demonstrates, not all PEMF specs are equal in vetting and results.

In most cases, research is pointing to the low intensity PEMF specs as most consistently positive and high intensities as potentially dangerous.

Published by
Richard Hoover

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