Magnetic Therapy

Magnetic Therapy Side Effects

The numerous benefits of magnetic therapy are very well-known to a majority of people.

They help both those suffering from different health conditions, and those who are just looking to bring balance back to their body.

Magnetic therapy is a natural and holistic type of treatment, and therefore the benefits far outweigh the possible side effects.

However, there are several side effects and contraindications that we can mention with regard to magnetic therapy.

Some of these side effects can be better defined as discomforts, while others are more serious and, as such, need more attention.


Blood Pressure

One of magnetic therapy’s best-known benefits is to promote blood flow.

However, it does so through vasodilatation, and through vasodilatation it also lowers patients’ blood pressure.

Generally, this is a very positive effect for the majority of the population.

However, for some patients, for example, those suffering from low blood pressure, magnetic therapy can aggravate their condition.

Moreover, the decrease in blood pressure due to magnetic therapy can also negatively affect elderly people, those who have been on a long bed rest, those who take medication for hypertension, or those who are prone to fluctuations in blood pressure.

However, this side effect is usually temporary, and ceases as the therapy continues.



It is not advisable to use magnetic therapy at the same time as when you are undergoing chemotherapy or radiology treatment.

Basically, cancer is an abnormal growth of harmful cells in our body.

Chemotherapy’s job is to stop that growth and kill the harmful cells.

By contrast, as is well known, magnetic therapy can stimulate cell regeneration and increase cell growth.

Therefore, using the two in conjunction would prove counterproductive.

However, magnetic therapy can provide lots of benefits after the chemotherapy process is complete.


Nutrients and Medications

The use of magnetic therapy can affect the way our body responds to nutrients and medications.

In some cases, this response can be negative, while in others it is positive.

Magnetic therapy can affect blood sugar levels.

So, after the therapy, blood sugar may decrease.

As we have just mentioned, magnetic therapy can negatively affect chemotherapy.

Moreover, magnetic therapy can affect blood clots through the reduction of blood platelet attachment.

Therefore, patients who are using aspirin should avoid using magnetic therapy at the same time.



There is still not enough evidence to prove that this side effect is valid, but it is important to mention it, as it is better to be safe than sorry.

That is, during pregnancy, the fetus grows.

As we mentioned, magnetic therapy can cause the cells in our body to grow more quickly, and regenerate, as well.

Therefore, if we use magnetic therapy during pregnancy, it is unclear how that might affect the fetus.

There is a chance that the growth effect will add up, and that the result will be an abnormal growth of fetal cells.

Therefore, using magnetic therapy during pregnancy is contraindicated until further studies prove or disprove this claim.


Pacemaker Interference

Any electric medical devices that are implanted into a person’s body are a possible cause of side effects of magnetic therapy.

This is because the magnetic field that magnetic therapy produces can interfere with these devices.

If you are wearing a pacemaker, magnetic therapy may possibly cause interference between your heart and the pacemaker, which is dangerous.

Moreover, there have been some cases where the medical device has stopped operating completely.

For that reason, it is very important to consult your physician in these cases before using magnetic therapy.


Skin Rash

In certain situations, the place where the magnet touches the skin is susceptible to rashes or increased skin redness.

However, the mechanism via which this happens is not completely clear.

Since magnetic therapy does not include any drugs or chemicals, it is not known why this adverse effect occurs.

One possible explanation that scientists have come up with is that it is a psychological effect.

Because magnetic therapy is still not very well known to some people, they have their reservations, and their body reacts to fear and anxiety in this way.


Tingling Sensation

Because of the rapid increase in blood circulation, some people report experiencing tingling sensations in their limbs.

Therefore, this is not a real side effect, but more a discomfort that a person feels before the body gets used to the magnetic therapy.

Another side effect that is associated with tingling and increased blood circulation are spells of dizziness.

These usually happen right after the treatment, but most of the time they last for a very short time, and are no reason for alarm.


Increase in Pain

In some rare cases, magnetic therapy is known to increase pain for a short time, especially when used as a pain treatment.

However, there is a good explanation, so this is no cause for panic.

Magnetic therapy treats pain by stimulating pain neurons, so for a short period, pain can increase in intensity because the neurons have improved their connections and energy flow.

On the other hand, another cause for pain when the treatment is for something other than that is the body’s sensitivity to magnetic power.

Some people are overly sensitive to the power of magnets attached to their skin, and they need some time to get used to it.


Warm Skin

A possible cause for alarm for some people is one of the common effects of magnetic therapy – warm skin.

Some people will think that this reaction is a side effect, so that is why it is included on this list.

However, skin warming in the place where the magnet was attached is completely normal.

The reason is that, due to improved circulation, more blood is being supplied to the area; the warmth is the warmth of your own blood.

There is no reason to worry about this, since magnetic therapy cannot cause burns.


Published by
Richard Hoover

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